Education system and the world’s demand — Are we on right track?

Hammad Maqbool
4 min readDec 10, 2020


Are we on Right track? Or all the efforts and expense are useless — You have to make your decision.

Lots of motivational speakers, entrepreneur are talking on the this hot topic. In fact lots motivational speakers directly ask you to stop going university, According to lots of successful entrepreneurs University is just waste of time and trust me they are not wrong, they are passing this statement after lots of research and achieving some thing in life. This is the time of skills not degree if you are not learning any skill in your university than what is the purpose of paying heavy fees? Pay half of the University fee to someone who can teach you real skills.

How much fresh graduates you can find in the market who are equipped with a good skill set? Hardly 10 out of 100, those 10 may be learn things by themselves otherwise you hardly find a fresh graduate with good skills in his own field and trust me market prefer skilled person over a graduate with good marks.

People agree this with all of their heart but the society pressure keep them forcing to carry on University studies even when they themselves know they are learning nothing practical in this education system which is based on out dated books. Even the students of degree program which are based on practical skills admit it we are not learning practical things and not getting hands on any skill set.

We join this education system to become a successful person in the life. A person can become successful in the life only by getting answer to the following question.

  • How to earn Money?
  • How to grow business?
  • How to find your passion?
  • How to Invest and Handle Money?
  • How to handle the emotions in Stressful conditions?
  • Many more like these….

But unfortunately we are not getting answer to these questions by our education system, According to WHO survey which was held in 2016 more than 222,000 people of age 10 to 29yrs commit suicide in a year. Second most common cause of death in students is suicide due to stress, yes this is on the spot answer to the last question in the above mentioned list you can’t be a successful person even you can’t survive without knowing the answers to the questions.

May be there will be few schooling systems in your mind providing answer to the mentioned question but please tell me what percentage of people in our country can afford that schooling system? hardly 20% or may be less than this.

An other bad thing, This education system is producing job oriented people, You may find institutes proudly making announcements about their graduates who just got Jobs in a reputed firm. Yes unfortunately our education system feel proud on producing servants.

Just check the market, People who talk about startups, People who want you to be an entrepreneur are not degree holder even few of them are college dropouts. This is how things works in the real life. It is difficult to study engineering but a person with MBA and may be with lesser grades will be there on HR post to recruit you when you will go for an interview. They will again ask you for the experience and prefer the experience our the fresh graduate.

This circle indirectly tells you no matter how much good grades you have but you don’t have skills and you will get skills by working practically in market with those who know how things works that is what they define as experience.

Its all about skills we need to understand it. It is time to take things seriously.A degree without skill set is waste of time and money. Our education system is not really caring about us. this system is nothing more than a business now. This education system is earning money from those who are passed out from this system by teaching their children and preparing them to get job and send their children to school again and this thing is going on and on and we are totally fail to understand that they are making their own feature secure by preparing us to send our children to the school in future.

We need to get out of this Education System or at lest change this system so we can avoid this Job oriented mentality.

A monkey chose a banana between Money and Banana because He don’t know He can get lots of bananas with that money this is the example founder of AliBaba use to differentiate between business and job.

So don’t be a monkey try to understand the difference. Stop chasing job. A country can not produce enough jobs(Government+Private) for the number of passing outs from universities every year.

Think Before its too late…



Hammad Maqbool

Passionate Software Engineer and Programming instructor who love to share knowledge and learn Software Engineering.